European Union Tag

06/09/2021 - Igor Milić - European peacebuilding in the Sahel could improve its performance through tailor-made engagement with host states, to eventually result in a process where shifting power disparities become an end in their own right and serve the purpose of peacebuilding....

26/07/2021 - Vicky Kapogianni - European peacebuilding is a complex ongoing exercise to prevent conflict and promote a multi-nodal development as a vehicle for achieving sustainable peace. The EU Global Strategy aims to improve previous mechanisms, set up new instruments and strengthen its synergy with Members and partners via a joined-up approach and legally...

06/09/2018 - Bernardo Monzani - La promozione della pace rimarrà al centro dell’azione dell’Unione europea? Le discussioni attualmente in corso sul Quadro finanziario pluriannuale 2021-2027 (QFP), il budget di lungo termine dell’UE, indicano che questo potrebbe non essere il caso....