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AP is the first Italian organization specializing in peacebuilding.

We promote conditions to enable the resolution of conflict, reduce violence and contribute to a durable peace across Europe, its neighbouring countries and the world.

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  • Job opportunities

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Job opportunities


Part-Time Communications Officer 

The Agency for Peacebuilding (AP) is looking for a part-time communications officer to support its external communication.
The contract will be for 12 months. The candidate may be offered a contract renewal. The required commitment is on average 20 hours per week. Remuneration will be assessed based on the candidate’s skills and experience. The selected candidate should start in September 2024.
To apply, please send your CV and a motivation letter to by the 16th of August 2024.
Please find the full description here.

Support peace throughout the world

When you donate to AP, you enable us to sustain and expand our work where it is most needed.

If you want to support us, you can do so through a bank transfer to the following account:


Bank: Banca Etica, Viale Masini 4/2C, Bologna (BO), Italy

IBAN: IT62E0501802400000012226650


write to info(at)
Donations to the AP are tax-deductible in Italy