Supporting the resolution of natural resources conflicts in Mozambique

Supporting the resolution of natural resources conflicts in Mozambique


In 2024, AP designed and conducted the final evaluation of the ‘Towards an Inclusive and Peaceful Society’ (TIPS) project, which Finn Church Aid and the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers (FCA/ NRTP) implemented in Mozambique from January 2021 to December 2023. The initiative, which was funded by the European Union, aimed to transform Mozambique’s rich natural resources, including gas, coal, and timber, into engines for economic growth and peace rather than conflict triggers. To achieve this, the project implemented three strategies: it completed in-depth research to understand the root causes of resource-related conflicts; then it organized a training programme to enhance conflict resolution skills among civil society representatives and community leaders; finally, it facilitated community and multi-stakeholder dialogues at district and provincial levels. Activities took place in five provinces (Cabo Delgado, Inhambane, Niassa, Sofala, and Tete).


The evaluation found that TIPS project successfully increased awareness and improved conflict resolution capabilities among key stakeholders. The project was particularly effective in training over 170 civil society and representatives and community leaders, equipping them with the necessary skills to negotiate, manage conflicts, and engage in dialogue with government and private company representatives. The establishment of multi-stakeholder dialogue forums marked another significant achievement. These forums—which brought together community leaders, government officials, and private sector representatives—served not only as platforms for airing grievances, but also as avenues for constructing collaborative and sustainable solutions to natural resource management challenges.
The project also encountered some challenges, the main one being securing full engagement from government and private company representatives, which limited its impact in some areas.


Bernardo Monzani


Finn Church Aid (FCA)/ Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers (NRTP)
Institute for Multiparty Democracy (IMD)
Institute for Social and Economic Studies (IESE): Research and analysis