Good Governance

06/06/2018 - Bernardo Monzani - One of the main debates happening now in Brussels is on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the EU’s main tool for managing its finances. The current MFF will last until the end of 2020, but the debate around its successor has already started and the final decision on the new...

05/04/2018 - Aessandro Totoro - In one of my last assignments in Chad, I was carrying out a conflict analysis for a development agency working in the country. I was doing field research in a region that was experiencing a break-out of cholera. As I was there at the peak of the epidemic, a few...

16/10/2017 - Rashmi Thapa - Recent years have seen an increase in attention and awareness of the powerful role of youth as agents for peacebuilding. Many young men and women are creating youth-led movements, networks and organisations to build peace and transform conflicts and at times they are the primary actors in grassroots community development...