Human Rights

30/04/2019 - Bernando Monzani and Anthony Sarota - Many development and peacebuilding NGOs are working today to prevent and counter violent extremism (P/CVE). Among these is Search for Common Ground (Search), an international NGO that has, over the years, developed its own approach, called Transforming Violent Extremism (TVE). But what is the evidence that a...

22/06/2018 - Stefano Marinelli - The US attack in April 2017, in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons by Syrian forces in Khan Shaykhun, was widely considered a violation of the prohibition to use force. However, a significant part of the international community supported, or tacitly tolerated, the illegal intervention. This begged the...

05/04/2018 - Aessandro Totoro - In one of my last assignments in Chad, I was carrying out a conflict analysis for a development agency working in the country. I was doing field research in a region that was experiencing a break-out of cholera. As I was there at the peak of the epidemic, a few...

08/02/2017 - Giulia Pasquinelli - In December 2016, the third Italian National Action Plan (NAP) on Women, Peace and Security 2016-2019 was adopted. The adoption of the NAP, which gives continuity and renewed impetus to Italy’s commitment to the implementation of UNSCR 1325 and following resolutions, was welcomed by civil society organisations. ...

24/06/2016 - Bernardo Monzani - Last week, during a conference organized by the Instituto di Affari Internazionali (IAI) on June 14, Paolo Gentiloni, Italy’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, spoke about the stabilisation of Libya. ...